Monday 10 October 2011

Give me some space

SKY SPORT NOWHERE says the sign above the pub closest to the agency office. 

Ah, finally. A secluded saloon offering sweet relief from the incessant babble of Sky Sports and the cacophony of its swooshing graphics.

A tranquil retreat with the promise of being able to hear the person you’re talking to without being drowned out by cries of OFF SIDE or THE REFEREE’S A WELSHMAN.

A calm, convivial oasis where you can relax without fear of being elbowed in the ear by someone leaping to their feet every time it looks like their team might be about to score.

A genteel drinking hole where a man can put the world to rights over a quiet pint, without risk of having that pint spilt all over your brogues by a gesticulating gimp in a football shirt.

Except it’s not, of course.

Turns out the sign’s supposed to read ‘SKY SPORT NOW HERE’.

Just goes to show – it’s not just the words you choose, but the air between them that matters too.

And it reminds me of the question, “How many times can you use the word ‘and’ consecutively in a sentence, and still have it make sense?”

How about five?

Man walks into the Rose and Crown pub. “I like your new sign,” he says. “But the signwriter’s made a mistake.”

“Really?” says the landlord.

“Yes,” says the man. “He hasn’t left a gap between the words. So there’s no space between Rose and and and and and Crown.”

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