Monday 1 August 2011

Why copywriters are getting richer, even through a recession

I walked past two shops today: the first (a beauty parlour) had a sign saying Treatment’s from £15. The second, a hairdresser, had a sign saying Try our salons free consultation service.

In other words, the first shop should have given the second its apostrophe.

And there, my friends, is the problem: we’re all getting more and more illiterate.

I've seen basic rules of punctuation and grammar used incorrectly on shop signage, on BBC TV captions, in newspaper and magazines, on packaging... it's everywhere.

And if we're struggling for the basics of punctuation, you can imagine what a dearth there is of people who can not only spell, they can write with flair and conviction.

I should know: as an agency creative director, I’m always on the lookout for new copywriting talent. Yet more and more young people are coming out of university and college interested in some kind of visual / art / design based career. Fewer and fewer want to (or are able to) write.

Which is why more and more agencies like mine have to pay freelance copywriters about 50% more than we pay freelance art directors.

So the lesson is clear. If you want to struggle in a highly competitive market, become an art director. If you want a job for life, become a copywriter.

And if you want to be able to name your own price – even in a recession – become a good copywriter.

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